To Kill a Mockingbird (Graphic Novel) Adapted by Fred Fordham Book ReviewCourtney LukApril 22, 2020to kill a mockingbird, mockingbird, harper lee, fred fordham, young adult, graphic novel, teens, teen, lawyer, law, race, historical fiction, historical, canon, literary canon, literature, racism, mystery, Boo Radley, Scout, Scout Finch, rendition
Queer: A Graphic History by Meg-John Barker and Julia Scheele Book ReviewCourtney LukJune 29, 2018Queer A Graphic History, Meg-John Barker, Julia Scheele, book review, queer, queerness, gay, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, LGBT, books, comic book, comics, education, nonfiction, non-fiction, history, historical, icon booksComment